One of the most important issues in information technology era is data protection; If this issue is not considered, confidence and usability and extension of information and communication technology will be threatened. In this way, politiceans and decision makers in organizations, industry and governments want to regulate the information and communication era. This regularization is performed based on decision making considerations and variables, while forgetting them may rise challenges and cause crisis. In management sciences they are called strategic issues. Current research identifies, defines, and analyzes strategic issues that different goverments, use them to reinfornce information governance structures like maintenance and governance of data and information security. These strategic issues are in the range of national documents, reference standards and documentation related to general data protection regulations (GDPR). In this research, we investigate documents and references related to data protection regulations using content analysis, to identify strategic issues.
ArabSorkhi A, Tafazoli T. Analysis of strategic issues in the field of general data protection regulations. منادی 2024; 13 (2) :12-23 URL: